Gym News
Hey guys!
Just wanted to let you know we are still testing out our new classes, Barbell WOD and Skill WOD. If you are able, come check them out!
We also have open gym hours that we've added in on Saturday and Sunday!
Also forgive our mess as we may be in the middle of some updates in weeks to come.
Don't forget, on October 28 we will be partying ALL DAY. Find more information in the "UPCOMING EVENTS" section. We need weightlifters for our upcoming competition, so please sign up if you would like to participate! SIGN UP HERE!!! We've planned a costume Bench Press contest for the party, so start getting your reps in!
TLDR; JUMP TO THE SECTION YOU want to read First:
Schedule tESTING wEEK 2
Tuesday PM Schedule
4:00 - 5:00 CrossFit
5:00 - 6:00 Barbell WOD
6:00 - 6:30 Burn30
Thursday PM Schedule
4:00 - 5:00 CrossFit
5:00 - 6:00 Barbell WOD
6:00 - 6:30 Burn30
Friday PM Schedule
4:00 - 5:00 CrossFit
5:00 - 5:30 Burn30
5:30 - 6:30 Skill WOD
Saturday Schedule
8:00 - 8:30 Burn30
8:30 - 9:30 CrossFit
9:30 -10:30 Weightlifting
10:30 - 2:00 Open Gym
Sunday Schedule
1:00 - 3:30 Open Gym
about our New Offerings
Small Group Classes
We are launching a test run on small group classes. These classes will cap at 4 athletes. In these
classes we will focus on specific skills. The goal here is to make sure we are progressing in CrossFit. These skills are complex, but we can master them with dedicated practice and proper instruction. Each athlete will have their own program that will mirror the format of the others in their class. We are going to start by launching a Pull Up Efficiency small group class with Nate. We will also launch Weightlifting small group with Wes as well. These will be very limited. Please send emails to wes@besomebodygym.com with interest!
Barbell WOD
Barbell WOD is a Strength and Conditioning Program for CrossFitt athletes. What that means is we're taking the well-studied principles of Strength and Conditioning and applying it to the CrossFit movements and annual schedule. This will give you guys an opportunity to improve your Weightlifting and barbell skills while at the same training your body to be stronger and more resilient, We will have multiple strength movements in each session and finish with a strength based conditioning piece.
Skill WOD
Our goal with Skill WOD is to provide you guys with opportunities to spend time learning some of the more difficult skills we come across in our programming. One of the issues we see in CrossFit communities is that people will struggle with the same skills for far too long. There simply is not enough time in class to get into the minutia of these movements. What we want to do is make time to coach these movements. We want to make sure we give everyone an opportunity to learn these skills so they can perform them in workouts on the daily basis. Hand-stand walks, butterfly pull-ups, muscle ups, double unders, we will dedicate the majority of our hour breaking down the skills and giving you tools to master them in your free time. Then we will finish with a short conditioning piece utilizing the skill for the week.
Personal Training
We want you guys to know our coaches are available for 1-on-1 help paired with custom programming. Our staff are available to help you achieve your goals and we plan on making progress an emphasis. If there is something you want to accomplish in our gym that you're struggling with, then let us know. Maybe PT is the answer. Maybe there is a different one. Either way, we want to help. Please send emails to wes@besomebodygym.com with interest!
This Week's Training
Legs and core to start! 15 minutes of pulling to finish!
POWER CLEANS!!! We'll keep them rolling in the conditioning with an inverted skill component!
Working on some arm strength before we start putting bars overhead and rowing!
Taking some time to improve our weightlifting with a short all out conditioning piece!
A classic put to and E2MOM format that will feel good on a Friday!
Skill work leading us straight into a "Fight" that won't go the way you think...
Upcoming Events
October 28
Pumpkin Carving Contest
Enter your pumpkin for a chance to win some prizes! We will vote for the best pumpkins and the winners will be announced at the potluck party!
The Halloweenie Bash | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
We're hosting a weightlifting meet! We're keeping it light-hearted and fun.

Trunk or Treat | 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
We're doing a trunk or treat! We want to share our community with as many people as possible so invite your friends and family! We will need some trunk volunteers and we are doing prizes for the best trunks! We will post the sign up sheet on the whiteboard!
Halloween Potluck Party | 6:00 pm - ???
Wear a costume!!! The best dressed will be handsomely rewarded. If the VOLS are playing we'll be sure to have it on! We will also be doing a bench press contest. There will be a male and female winner and it will be fair for all body weights!